How a Professional Internet Marketing Agency Can Help You To Grow Your Business
March 30, 2018
website development pakistan
5 Creative Ways to Attract More Customers Online In Pakistan
April 1, 2018
How a Professional Internet Marketing Agency Can Help You To Grow Your Business
March 30, 2018
website development pakistan
5 Creative Ways to Attract More Customers Online In Pakistan
April 1, 2018

Online shopping and ecommerce has become a multi billion dollar industry that is expected to grow by 8 to 12% in the next few years. This influx suggests that the sales in the United States alone will fall between $427 billion and $443 billion as reported by Founderu.

Moreover, according to SmallBizTrends, 74% of small business websites do not even sell online and they don’t actually have invested in an ecommerce-enabled website but they own a product/service website. The statistics are startling and exhibits where our world is going towards. These statistics also arises a question that,


Do I need a website for my business?

In this digital era, no matter whatever industry you are in or whatever business you have, the answer for this question is absolutely Yes!

In this technological age, it is imperative for any kind of business to have a website where their customers can go and find the information they are looking for.

Customers now want to find more about the business before they indulge with them personally. Before calling a company, they tend to search for their online presence, products and services offered or even location of the business. A lack of professional website can result in losing many potential customers that are looking for businesses just like you.


Should I invest in my website if I am satisfied with my current sales?

However, there are some businesses and industries that are already doing well in their domain. They don’t need more customers or sales. So, they tend to believe that they don’t require a website. For instance, a small restaurant that is already getting a lot of attraction without any marketing. They already are achieving their goals so they would not want to get more attention from online medium.

But the catch is that just a website would not bring more customers for you. The costs involved in digital marketing of that website would bring more customers. A website is your face and personality over the internet. It is a communication tool not just an advertising medium. It brings credibility and trust for your brand name. A web designing company in Lahore can help to carve a personality for your business.

Not owning your business domain seems unprofessional in this digital age.


I already have a Facebook Page. Is it enough?

Absolutely not! Facebook is a place to engage with your customers. You keep your social media presence but thinking that you don’t need a website is not the correct approach.

Many businesses think that since they can engage with their community over social media so they may not require a website for their business. But not having a company owned domain reduces credibility and can lead to a negative impression of your brand or company.

A website enhances credibility of the business or company and let the user know that the brand is present everywhere. If you are serious about your business, then not having a website would make you look unprofessional and outdated. With limited resources, it is still possible to make your website by hiring an affordable website development company in Pakistan.

However, spending a part of your marketing budget for designing an attractive website will bring more trust of your customers in your brand.